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10 Shocking Things People Were Once Forced To Do But Now Willingly Do
A lot of people are not aware of the history behind the now common and now trending activities that we do on an every day or every week basis. Many of you will be shocked to learn, through the Bible and history records, about the list of things that we have compiled that people were […] More
Bible, Scholars, Scientists Show Blacks Are Hebrew Israelites Whom God & Moses Saved From Egypt
The Hidden Identity of Blacks can be found in The Bible; that’s what Bible historians, scholars and scientists reveal. Current studies show that the so-called blacks also today called Negroes and African Americans are the same Hebrew Israelites who God sent Moses to save from their hard bondage under the Pharaoh in the land of […] More
Black Women’s Hair Was Once Illegal And Considered A Threat To White Women’s Social Status
Ever heard of the phrase, “If beauty was a crime then you’d be in jail”? Today, black women purchase everything from hair perms to expensive hair weaves, hair extensions and wigs to make their hair look different than their own natural hair. What many of the same women don’t know is that their natural, beautiful […] More